电影 朋友的妻子



  • 片名:朋友的妻子
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:内详/
  • 导演:Cristobal Krusen/
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:波黑
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:波斯尼亚语
  • 更新:2023-11-28 18:26
  • 简介:Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong. Sabina K. is inspired by a true story set in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The "Sabina" of the title plans to marry Sasa (with whom she served during the Bosnian War), but there is a problem. Sabina is Muslim and Sasa a Catholic, and their respective families disapprove of the marriage. Their only ally is an older woman, Ankica, whose son - killed in the war - had been their close friend. "Aunt" Ankica thinks of Sabina and Sasa as her own children and invites them to her home on the island of Korcula to get married. Springtime comes and Sabina travels to Korcula where she is reunited with Ankica and where the two women wait for Sasa to join them from Zagreb. The days pass... Sasa never arrives... and with a heavy and troubled heart, Sabina returns to Sarajevo. She discovers that Sasa has taken all his things from her apartment and moved out. There is no note; no explanation. Sabina goes to Sasa's mother for answers, but the deeply embittered woman treats her harshly and calls the police.
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Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong. Sabina K. is inspired by a true story set in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The "Sabina" of the title plans to marry Sasa (with whom she served during the Bosnian War), but there is a problem. Sabina is Muslim and Sasa a Catholic, and their respective families disapprove of the marriage. Their only ally is an older woman, Ankica, whose son - killed in the war - had been their close friend. "Aunt" Ankica thinks of Sabina and Sasa as her own children and invites them to her home on the island of Korcula to get married. Springtime comes and Sabina travels to Korcula where she is reunited with Ankica and where the two women wait for Sasa to join them from Zagreb. The days pass... Sasa never arrives... and with a heavy and troubled heart, Sabina returns to Sarajevo. She discovers that Sasa has taken all his things from her apartment and moved out. There is no note; no explanation. Sabina goes to Sasa's mother for answers, but the deeply embittered woman treats her harshly and calls the police.


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    4.0 吴磊/蒋勤勤/陈建斌/王佳佳/闫楠/吴彼/王宏伟/钱坤/鞠帛展/梁龙/五百/孙强/王川/马大智/吕星辰/陈禹同/陈佳宁/吴金鑫/杨棽/张楚文/
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    9.0 亚伦·佩德森/亚历克斯·罗素/杰基·韦佛/大卫·文翰/
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    3.0 任时完/高我星/李熙俊/李俊赫/郑俊元/李来/
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    5.0 王子子/彭敬慈/陈芋米/佟月/
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    8.0 乌日根/沙景昌/卢杉/黄卫/
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    5.0 本杰明·沃克/雷恩·威尔森/斯黛芬妮·西格曼/约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯/马克·兰道尔/罗伯·考德瑞/朗·里维斯顿/怀亚特·拉塞尔/亚当·佩里/马特·兰德里/伊莎贝尔·多夫/尼尔·怀特利/安吉拉·弗恩特/朱莉·卡纳/帕斯夸丽娜·卡杜/亚当·桑德斯/乔丹·杜阿尔特/卡尔·坎贝尔/丹尼·沃/
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    9.0 山田凉介/村上虹郎/宽一郎/成海璃子/门胁麦/林遣都/铃木梨央/山下莉绪/手塚通/中村治雄/萩原圣人/小林薰/吉行和子/尾野真千子/西田敏行/
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    9.0 阿德里安·蒂蒂耶尼/玛丽亚·德拉格斯/拉雷什·安德瑞斯/莉亚·巴格纳/马利娜·马诺维奇/弗拉德·伊凡诺夫/
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    9.0 克林特·伊斯特伍德/梅丽尔·斯特里普/安妮·科利/维克多·斯勒扎克/吉姆·海尼/莎拉·凯瑟琳·施密特/克里斯托·弗克朗/菲利斯·里昂斯/戴布拉·莫克/
  • 更新HD
    8.0 Ekaterina Abramova/Ekaterina Andreeva/Alisa Annenkova/Pavel Tabakov/
  • 更新HD
    4.0 茱蒂蒙·琼查容苏因/查侬·散顶腾古/依莎亚·贺苏汪/披纳若·苏潘平佑/塔内·瓦拉库努娄/莎琳雷特·托马斯/伊戈·米基塔斯/帕辛·宽萨塔彭/萨哈贾克·波斯安吉特/坎嘉娜·维耐潘尼/育塔彭·瓦拉努科洛楚/诺帕瓦特·里基特王/
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    4.0 Alain Emery/
  • 更新HD
    1.0 Sarah Mitchell/Travis Delgado/Caitlin Aase/Melissa DuPrey/Adriana Leonard/Angela Morris/Randy Bernales/Mike Schminke/Kelly Owens/Carlo Aparo/
  • 更新HD
    5.0 索菲娅·罗兰/理查德·哈里斯/马丁·辛/O·J·辛普森/莱昂内尔·斯坦德/安·托克尔/英格丽·图林/李·斯特拉斯伯格/艾娃·加德纳/伯特·兰卡斯特/洛乌·卡斯特尔/约翰·菲利浦·劳/雷·洛夫洛克/阿莉达·瓦利/斯蒂法诺·帕特里兹/托马斯·亨特/福斯塔·阿韦利/安琪拉·古德温/约翰·P·杜拉尼/
  • HD
    8.0 松冈茉优/洼田正孝/池松壮亮/若叶龙也/佐藤浩市/仲野太贺/趣里/高良健吾/Megumi/三浦贵大/芹泽兴人/笠原秀幸/若林时英/鹤见辰吾/北村有起哉/中野英雄/益冈彻/大鹰明良/佐藤贡三/佐藤贡三/Kôzô/Satô/遠山泰市/薮内大河/中野裕斗/中野裕斗/Yuto/Nakano/巻島みのり/稻川实代子/稻川实代子/Miyoko/Inagawa/前田勝/佐野弘樹/鳥井雄人/野田昌志/二見悠/古川一博/岭豪一/岭豪一/Gôichi/Mine/川村纱也/田中美晴/持田加奈子/内海诚子/内海诚子/Seiko/
  • 更新全集
    6.0 苏德伦/戴露/陈强生/王心雅/宋少成/
  • 更新HD
    10.0 Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez/大卫·比利亚尔潘多/埃内斯托·戈麦斯·克鲁斯/露贝·安缇维洛/特立尼达·席尔瓦/
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    4.0 克里斯塔·科索恩/劳瑞·提卡宁/皮尔卡-佩卡·彼得柳斯/汤米·柯贝拉/Leea Klemola/Seppo P??kk?nen/艾丽娜·克尼赫蒂莱/蒂娜·维克斯托姆/卡琳娜·哈萨/Anneli Karppinen/
  • 更新HD
    5.0 曼塔斯·詹科威希斯/阿格尼娅·蒂科夫斯特/塔基杨娜·柳达耶娃/维达斯·帕特凯维奇/戴纽斯·卡兹劳斯卡斯/Antanas Surna/Grigorij Strelec/多纳塔斯?巴尼奥尼斯/
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    3.0 小库珀·古丁/法米克·詹森/理查德·德莱福斯/
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    10.0 西恩·哈里斯/艾伦·阿姆斯特朗/西蒙·巴布/安迪·布利特/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 约翰·特托罗/艾米丽·沃森/杰拉丁妮·詹姆斯/斯图亚特·维尔森/克里斯托弗·汤普森/Fabio Sartor/彼得·布莱斯/欧拉·布莱蒂/马克·坦迪/凯莉·亨特/Alexander Hunting/阿尔弗雷多·拜尔亚/Fabio Pasquini/Luigi Petrucci/Carlo Greco/马西莫·萨尔基耶利/Géza Schramek/
  • 更新HD
    5.0 ???/???/
  • 更新HD
    6.0 丹尼斯·莫斯奇托/苏珊妮·博曼/贾思敏·塔巴塔拜/塞缪尔·吉拉尔/戴维·布雷丁/米娅·卡萨洛/利奥·塞皮/杰瑞·霍夫曼/克里斯蒂安·勒赫/
  • 更新HD
    4.0 Kelley Kali/Wesley Moss/德翁·科尔/Deon/Cole/
  • 更新HD
    8.0 朱迪·科默/斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆/伊恩·哈特/大卫·海曼/莱斯利·夏普/凯西·泰森/苏·乔斯顿/安吉拉·格里芬/查尔斯·德特/Steve Garti/Alicia Eyo/迈克·诺布尔/阿瑟·修斯/杰姬·诺尔斯/约翰·艾伦·罗伯茨/伊恩拉尔夫/Andrew Schofield/Richie Lawrie/Tina Louise Owens/
  • 更新HD
    3.0 凡妮莎·柯比/大卫·阿贾拉/弗莱德·赫钦格/Simon Brickner/Misha Brooks/Annabel Hoffman/Annika Wahlsten/Jenny Hollingworth/Sam Soghor/Chris Arias/Rosa Walton/Claire Buchanan/Eve Van Rens/Jaya Ragoo/Neil Comber/
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    1.0 白昕怡/汤向恩/施骏喆/董至成/
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    9.0 三宅健太/园崎未惠/北田理道/大塚明夫/
  • 更新至8集
    4.0 方·基默/琼妮·威利/沃维克·戴维斯/吉恩·马修/帕特里夏·海斯/比利·巴蒂/帕特·罗奇/加万·奥赫利希/菲尔·方德卡罗/托尼·考克斯/凯文·波拉克/瑞克·欧弗顿/肯尼·贝克/萨迪·科尔/鲁斯迪·戈夫/谢丽尔·霍华德/大卫·西布利/阿什利/C.威廉姆斯/David Steinberg/Robert Gillibrand/Mark Northover/Mark Vande Brake/Joanna Dickens/Ruth Greenfield/Kate Greenfield/Edwin Alofs/迈克尔/


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